École du Samedi provides free access to a library of French books, DVDs and tapes for all ages that supports the instructional program.
Located in the Primary School Building, on the mezzanine above the reception desk, the library is open on Saturday mornings from 9:45 am to 11:40 am. Each family will receive a free membership upon registering with the librarians.
Every family must sign the Library Policies & Authorization 2023-24 Form (electronically or by printing it out, signing it, and delivering it to the librarians) before checking out materials from the library.
Library Policies
So that everyone can enjoy the library collection, families are limited to the number of items they can check out. All families can check out a maximum of 2 DVD’s at a time.
Check-out limits:
- Family with one child: 4 items (including a maximum of 2 DVDs/CD/Tapes)
- Family with 2 children: 6 items (including a maximum of 2 DVDs/CD/Tapes)
Return time: 2 weeks maximum
Penalties for late returns:
Books/DVD/CDs/Tapes: $ 2.00/item/week
Penalties for damaged or lost items:
A 20 dollars fee will be charged to the parents' credit card for any book or DVD that has not been returned or replaced within five weeks of the initial borrowing date.
Library Programs
Each class will be on a rotation allowing students (with their teachers) to come during recess to pick their own library book. Each child gets to choose a book that they will be able to keep at home for 2 weeks. Our librarians help them choose age and level appropriate books. Parents, please ask your children about the book they chose and encourage them to read it to you. We believe participation in this process will help reinforce their role in learning here at École du Samedi.
Children in the Bébé & Moi and Bout'chous may visit the library with their parents before or after class.
Book Subscription Program - L'École des Loisirs
This 2022-2023 school year we offer the subscription to the Max Book Club
Each September, École du Samedi offers a discounted group rate to L'École des loisirs, a French book club that provides age-appropriate books (8 books per school year). All books are distributed once a month at the front desk.
Teachers will distribute catalogues for this program in September, but parents can view the books offered anytime on the club’s website,
Click on "Les abonnements max" and select your child’s age group to view books in that collection. Then, click on a month to preview four pages in the book (for most books)
For more information please contact : Myriam Chedouteau