Cours Preparatoire 1 -2

All courses are proposed in-person until further notice

In English

Cours Préparatoire 1

This class is focused on children 6 to 7 years old who can speak and understand French.

The class is only taught in French and children will need some help with the homework at the beginning of the year. This class aims to increase students’ French vocabulary and teach them French phonemes. With practice and repetition the children learn to read and write, preparing them to continue the curriculum with more complicated phonemes in cours preparatoire 2 the following year.

This class is from 9:30am to 12:00pm.

Cours Préparatoire 2

In the cours Préparatoire 2 we learn the language through "Gafi's adventures" and continue to work on the sounds. At this level, we study phonetic combinations such as "oi, on, tr, cl, ien..." and the letters at the end of a word "vent, camp". Oral activities such as word and sentence games are used to verify the mastery of new vocabulary and phonemes.

This class is from 9:30am to 12:00pm.

En Français


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